In the Hills country

First, I would like to apologise to Mexican people. I’ve been calling the food I eat and love so much “Mexican”, when it was mainly Tex Mex. The grounded beef, the lettuce, the sour cream… the quesadilla and the nachos as we know it… All Tex Mex apparently! Basically, it seems like traditional Mexican food is healthier than Tex Mex. And did you know that fajitas are an Texan invention? Now I want to go to Mexico to witness the differences by myself!

Anyway, today we start our visit of the hills country, north of San Antonio and west of Austin. The area is dotted with towns and small cities with charming downtowns. German heritage is big here, they emigrated just before the 1848 revolution, when the political climate was tense there. On day 1 we visited the quiet town of Comfort, the museum of Western Art in Kerrville, the busy Main Street of Fredericksburg, and had beers in the typical village of Luckenbach. This last one was my favorite, with locals playing the guitar and roosters climbing the trees in a very old country setting.